saturday, May 17, 2025 | 2 PM
Celebrate Student Success
The Foundation's goal is to provide impactful support to students so that they can focus more time on their studies and accomplish their academic pursuits.
We are excited to celebrate and honor the VC students' extraordinary achievements and thank the individuals and organizations who have made these scholarships possible.
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Scholarship Recipients!
Check-In: 1:00 pm | Scholarship Awards Program: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Ventura College Sportsplex Field*, 4667 Telegraph Rd, Ventura, CA
*Please check the weather and plan to dress accordingly for this outdoor event
Recommended Complimentary Parking: West Lot
Scholarship Donors, Sponsors, and Guests: For event questions and information, please contact Stephanie Montenegro at smontenegro@vcccd.edu or (805) 289-6122.
Scholarship Student Recipients: For event questions and information, please contact Araceli Aggarwal at aaggarwal@vcccd.edu or (805) 289-6141.
2024 Scholarship Award Photos
2024 Scholarship Award Event photos courtesy of Trinity Wheeler Photography.
congratulations to the 2024 Scholarship Recipients
Katie Oxford
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Miguel Padilla
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Valeria Paez
Arlene Goldberg Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Joyce Mason Evans & David A. Evans Phoenix Scholarship
Hemming Family Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
Leonardo Palma
Andy & Sarah Reynolds Scholarship
Juan Parra
Ellyn & Jim Dembowski Scholarship
Zuri Partido
Bob Gowder Family Scholarship
Maude A. Broughton Memorial Scholarship
Kayla Parzynski
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Cody Paul
Benjamin Tanner Memorial Scholarship
Tommy Anthony Paramedic Scholarship
Lenora Pell
Carole Anne Falco Scholarship
Allison Perez
Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Andrea Perez
Don L. Carlton Family Scholarship
Maritza Perez
Guadalupe Lopez Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Alphie Phoenix
Taylor Family Scholarship
Elora Prado
Barbara Meister Teaching Scholarship
Jet Puga
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Noah Charles Kriese Memorial Scholarship
Western States Petroleum Association Scholarship
Ellynore Ramirez
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Shannon Ramirez
Kenneth D. Helms Memorial Choral Scholarship
Micheline & Albert Sakharoff Music Scholarship
Ojai Family Podiatry Clinic, Dr. James Todd Beaty, DPM Scholarship
Patricia Sanchez Ehret Memorial Scholarship
David Ramos
David P. Bianco Family Scholarship
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Armando Razo
Carrasco Nungaray Family Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Pier Angela Fiumerodo Memorial Scholarship
Lily Reeve
Gordon and Dorothy King Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Stephanie Reyes
Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship
Raquel Rico
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Holistic Health Graduate Scholarship
Bryce Rigney
Elijah & Miya Tshing Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
Charlotte Rodriguez
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
VC East Campus Scholarship
Kimberly Rodriguez
Don and Sandy Greenberg Scholarship
James Doyle Memorial Scholarship
Florencio Rojas
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Telloria Roseman
American Legion Post 339 (Ventura) Scholarship
Annika Salant
Alfred Howe Davis Memorial Scholarship
Patzy Salazar
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Aidan Sanchez
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Jordan Sandoval
Eric William Borchard Memorial Scholarship
Kameko Sasaki
Lillian Dember Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Forrest Sauerwein
GMR Foundation for Research and Education Scholarship
Elizabeth Scully
Stanley Prescott Business Scholarship
Aven Sedano
Linda McSherry-Roos Environmental Studies Scholarship
Rohan Zen Scholarship
Robert Serros
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Niamatullah SA and A-Ishah MA Memorial Scholarship
VC Dreamers Scholarship
Thomas Servin
Hickerson Family Scholarship
Arzheen Shahin
Ventura College Foundation Achievement Scholarship
Sam & Mary Saputo Scholarship
Ania Shaw
Blalock Family Endowed Scholarship
Eleanor Tillquist Phoenix Scholarship
Ruth Hemming Foster Youth Scholarship
Tristan Shaw
Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship
Ashley Smith
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Charles Smith
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Lucia Tebbe Memorial Phoenix Scholarship
Jasmine Smith
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Sierra Soares
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Diego Solano
Classified Senate Scholarship
SEIU Local 99 Classified Senate Scholarship
Aracely Soriano-Perez
California Environmental Education Scholarship
McNeely Family Scholarship
Gabriel Soto
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Sam & Mary Saputo Scholarship
Timothy Spaulding
Bill and Elise Kearney Phoenix Scholarship
Gene Haas Scholarship
Harrison Stanley
Citizens Business Bank Scholarship
Delta Theta Tau Sorority - Zeta Epsilon Chapter Memorial Business Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Paulina Tapia
Aera Energy Annual Scholarship
Collin Family Scholarship
The Millard G. Reed ('59) Engineering Scholarship
Rhiana Thompson
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Keyvan Tinoco
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Jaemi Toledo
Gary Daniel Newcomb Memorial Scholarship
Luigi Travi
George & Eleanor Tillquist Scholarship
Guadalupe Lopez Nursing Scholarship
Nancy Steward Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Neko Tudhope
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ana Valeriano
Barbara R. Burton Memorial Scholarship
Carole Olsen-Bryan Memorial Scholarship
Lupton Child Development Textbook Scholarship
Christopher Vanover
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Ventura Downtown Lions Club Fred W. Smith Annual Scholarship
Daniela Vargas
Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Ashley Vazquez
I-DA-KA Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Nellie Day Harris Scholarship
Tim Suel Memorial Scholarship
Maria Vega
SEEAG Career Pathways in Agriculture Scholarship
Jose Velasquez
Reach Scholars Scholarship
Leila Velasquez-Regino
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Ventura Downtown Lions Club - Fred W. Smith Osher Scholarship
Jordyn Villasenor
McNeely Family Scholarship
Noah Charles Kriese Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Toni Wangui
Cavola Family Scholarship
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
San Buenaventura Women's Club Osher Scholarship
Danielle Washington
Betsy Slover Phoenix, RN, Memorial Scholarship
The Bauer Family Nursing Scholarship
Joshua White
Gene Haas Scholarship
Tamara Widmyer
Gordon Ross Medical Scholarship
Micheline Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
Tony & Ruth Garcia Scholarship
Lewis Yang
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Alexa Francine Adoremos
Susan M. Buchter Nursing Scholarship
Chrystelle Aguiar
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Eduardo Aguilera
Automotive Career Education Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Angela Aguirre
Jessica Prescott Nursing Scholarship
Maude A. Broughton Memorial Scholarship
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Ben Ahara
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Mea Ann Alanes
Wendy Dunn Memorial Scholarship of Ventura College
Hugo Alfaro
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
John and Cherie Brant Ventura Boys & Girls Club Scholarship
Taylor Allen
Anika M. Veres Nursing Scholarship
Comfort Keepers Home Care Certified Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Martin P. Knowlton Memorial Scholarship
Sandra Arguelles
Joyce Ogawa Yoshioka Memorial Scholarship
Megha Pandya Memorial Scholarship
Kai Armann
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Joel Arroyo
Assistance League of Ventura County Re-Entry Scholarship
Shavonne Asberry
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Sebastian Ayala
Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Celida Barios
Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill Nursing Scholarship
Micheline and Albert Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
Nancy Steward Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Jonathan Barton
Micheline Sakharoff Phoenix Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Fatima Bazurto
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Rebecca Becerra
Westside Scholarship
Martin Bernabe
Exuberant English Major Scholarship
Jennifer Blevins
Helms Family Scholarship
Eliseo Bonilla
Hon. Colleen Toy White Memorial Annual Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Diego Briceno
Westlake Village Garden Club Scholarship
Michael Bui
Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship
David P. Bianco Family Scholarship
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Breanna Burke
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Solomon Bustos
American Association of University Women Ventura County Branch Bevans/Klein Scholarship
Amber Butcher
Elaine G. Tennen Endowed Nursing Scholarship
George & Eleanor Tillquist Scholarship
Janet and Mark L. Goldenson Nursing Scholarship
Linda Rose Memorial Scholarship
Robert Byrd
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Tehminey Calderon
Dr. Morris and Judith Leventhal Art Scholarship
Allan Campbell
Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship
Seiji Yoshioka and Mary Phillips Yoshioka Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Kathleen Capolupo
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
George Casarez
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Academic Senate Scholarship
Justine Castillo
Drs. Rosalind Warner and Michael Hogan Foster Youth Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ruth Hemming Foster Youth Scholarship
Maria Belen Cervantes
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Daisy Cisneros
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Niamatullah SA and A-Ishah MA Memorial Scholarship
VC Dreamers Scholarship
Jay Clark
Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Andrew Claydon
Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship
Quinton Coleman
Martinez y Ewens Anasazi Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Refugio Contreras
Construction Technologies 3C-REN Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
Sebastian Cornejo
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Kylee Coronado
Paige-Bianco Textbook Scholarship
Raul Coronado
Ed and Sue Stile Scholarship
Scholarship Reader Merit Award
Riley Coyner
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Grey Dog Ranch Scholarship
Jessica Crowley
Bill and Elise Kearney Paramedic Scholarship
GMR Foundation for Research and Education Scholarship
Mayra Cruz
Professor Ismael "Mayo" De La Rocha Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Dalto
Kada Family Scholarship
Dylan De La Cruz
Kenneth D. Helms Memorial Organ Scholarship
Viento Y Mar Environmental Scholarship
Jose Delgado
Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Julissa Deluna
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
McNeely Family Annual Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Rick Djouwe
Denise Baylor Scholarship
George R. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Denzell Rae Doria
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Dominic Doud
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Haley Driscoll
Theodora Art Scholarship
Adrian Duran
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Quinn Company Diesel Student Scholarshipcipients
Jessica Duran
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Kiara Eby
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Andres Escobedo
Associated Students of Ventura College Scholarship
Cheuvront Family Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Scholarship
Daniel Espinoza
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Adriana Esqueda
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
John and Glenda Hammer Education Scholarship
Gabriel Esqueda
Alexis Dember Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Trystenn Esquivel
Benjamin Tanner Memorial Scholarship
Adilene Fernandez
Barbara R. Burton Memorial Scholarship
Edith H. French Scholarship
Allie Fielding
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Flores Esquibel
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Brianna Franco
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Gallegos
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Alexander Garcia
Amy Cherot Foster Our Future Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Daniel Garcia
George and Jean Woolley Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Jose Garcia
George and Jean Woolley Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Lysandra Garcia
Gordon Ross Medical Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Maria Garcia
Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship
Martha Garcia
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Garcia
Jessica Prescott Art Scholarship
Marcos Garcia-Razo
Cavola Family Scholarship
McNeely Family Annual Scholarship
Mona Garo
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
Terence P. O'Neill Memorial Scholarship
Olivia Gaston
Pamela Oster Memorial Scholarship
Tristan Gaviola
Advocates for Social Justice Scholarship
Ventura College Math & Science Scholarship
Madelyn George
Gene Haas Scholarship
Merrick Giles
Bill Miller Memorial Scholarship
John Tallman Memorial Scholarship
Miriam and Henry Schwab Memorial Aquatics Scholarship
Larry Gleeson
Kada Family Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Belmaris Gomez
Employers Advisory Council Avelina Villalobos Annual Scholarship II
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Western Ventura County - Employer Advisory Council - Avelina Villalobos Scholarship
Benjamin Gomez
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Emiliano Gomez
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ilya Gonzales
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
Geronimo Gonzalez
Dave & Elizabeth Kraus Phoenix Scholarship
Employer Advisory Council Scholarship
Larry Meister Memorial Business Scholarship
Leslie Gonzalez
Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship
Employer Advisory Council Scholarship
Marissa Gonzalez
Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill Nursing Scholarship
Guadalupe Lopez Nursing Scholarship
Micheline and Albert Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship
Monique Gonzalez
Betsy Slover Phoenix, RN, Memorial Scholarship
Lupe and Robert Piros Nursing Scholarship
Mary J. Gloisten Nursing Scholarship
Micheline Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
VCSNA Peer Assistance Scholarship
Lindsay Griffin
Bernice Beilin Memorial Phoenix Scholarship
Don and Sandy Greenberg Scholarship
Adrian Grimaldo
Heizer Family Phoenix Scholarship
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Abraham Gutierrez
Donna Santo Family Scholarship
John and Glenda Hammer Science Scholarship
Daisy Gutierrez
Joe Hernandez Memorial Art Scholarship
Judith Leventhal Two-Dimensional Art Scholarship
Eliseo Gutierrez
Quinn Company Diesel Student Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Erika Gutierrez
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
League of Women Voters of Ventura County Scholarship
Aallyson Gutierrez-Diaz
Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship
Ely Haddad
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Edwin Hale
Frank S. and Ardella J. Watts Memorial Scholarship
Joe Hernandez Memorial Art Scholarship
Sabreena Hartman
Micheline and Albert Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
Rebecca Singer-Beilin Memorial Scholarship
Claudia Hernandez
Frank S. and Ardella J. Watts Memorial Scholarship
Ojai Family Podiatry Clinic, Dr. James Todd Beaty, DPM Scholarship
Gabriela Herrera
Jacqueline and Walter Walker Memorial Scholarship
Malinda Hickerson-Samaniego
Larry Meister Memorial Business Scholarship
Ruth Hemming Phoenix Scholarship
Zuri Hodgins
Ed and Sue Stile Scholarship
Ventura College Holistic Studies Scholarship
Wendy McGee Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Erik Huanosta
Benjamin Tanner Memorial Scholarship
Bill and Elise Kearney Paramedic Scholarship
Mark Huff
Jessica Prescott Nursing Scholarship
Rotary Club of Oxnard Sunrise Scholarship
Ventura Downtown Lions Club - Fred W. Smith Osher Scholarship
Wendy McGee Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Olivia Huynh
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Andrea Ibarra
Brian Marshall Memorial Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Lili Imbler
George & Harriet Arita - Tai Boy Biology Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Ian Ingram
George E. Tillquist Engineering Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Jordan Jennings
Construction Technologies 3C-REN Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Luis Jimenez
Cheuvront Family Scholarship
Donna Santo Family Scholarship
The Orozco Family Scholarship (La Beca De La Familia Orozco)
Jaida Jones
Scholarship Reader Merit Award
Jennifer Juarez
Hickerson Family Scholarship
Carina Jurado
Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill Nursing Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Holistic Studies Scholarship
Eli Juric
Harry J. and Lucille E. Earl Scholarship
Lara Kassab
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Kyle Kastendiek
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Ava Katner
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Vanessa Knight
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Robert Kupfer
Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Aaron Latham
Eleanor Tillquist Phoenix Scholarship
Blake Lauer
John and Glenda Hammer Engineering Scholarship
Liliana Lay
Gerald Jones Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas Joel Haverland Memorial Scholarship
Susana Leonard
Jessica Prescott Library Science Scholarship
Michael Kirkpatrick Seely Creative Writing Scholarship
Andres Leos
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Summyr Leviotff
Hickerson Family Scholarship
Linda McSherry-Roos Environmental Studies Scholarship
Santino Liotta
Micheline & Albert Sakharoff Theatre Arts Scholarship
Evelyn Lopez
Alfred Howe Davis Memorial Scholarship
Jennifer Love
Judith Leventhal Two-Dimensional Art Scholarship
Ventura Downtown Lions Club - Fred W. Smith Osher Scholarship
Tony Luong
Betsy Slover Phoenix, RN, Memorial Scholarship
Lupe and Robert Piros Nursing Scholarship
Santa Clara Valley Healthcare Scholarship
Taimi Chauveau Nursing Memorial Scholarship
Laura Macias
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Sydney MacLeod
Creative Arts Foundation Trust Scholarship
Gabrielle MacNeill
Bill Miller Memorial Scholarship
John Tallman Memorial Scholarship
Miriam and Henry Schwab Memorial Aquatics Scholarship
Miranda Magana
Noah Charles Kriese Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship Reader Merit Award
Sofia Magana
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Alanm Magana Gonzalez
Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship
Idaly Maldonado
Clean Power Alliance Voyager Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Tyler Maldonado
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Gianna Mannarino
Arthur Sumliner Memorial Scholarship
Giovanni Marquez
American Legion Post 339 (Ventura) Scholarship
Gerald R. Curtis Engineering Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Joselin Martinez
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Joshua William Harber Memorial Scholarship
Professor Ismael "Mayo" De La Rocha Memorial Annual Scholarship
Ashley McMichael
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Danica Medina
Carolyn Villines Memorial Scholarship
Contarino Family Scholarship
Roger Mejia
California Resources Corporation Veteran Students Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Daniel Mendez
Eleanor Tillquist Phoenix Scholarship
Ruth Hemming Phoenix Scholarship
Venoco, Inc. Phoenix Osher Scholarship
Medwin Mendoza
Scholarship Reader Merit Award
Selina Ella Mendoza
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Crystal Merlos
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
Bella Meza
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Mihatov
Diana Lillie Seely Memorial Scholarship
Sandra Hope Thomas Art Scholarship
Caleb Miller
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Charlie Moen
Carl Stehle, Jr. Physical Science Scholarship
Paulo Montalvo
Gene Haas Scholarship
Heizer Family Phoenix Scholarship
Cristina Montejano
Everett Millais Memorial Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Miriam Morado
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Cristina Morales
Rotary Club of Oxnard Sunrise Scholarship
Wendy McGee Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Ty Morris
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Emma Myers
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
Carole Olsen-Bryan Memorial Scholarship
Catherine Nanalis
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Abisai Navarrete
Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill Nursing Scholarship
Jasmine Navarro
Barbara Ann Mrvichin Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Kimberly Neal
GMR Foundation for Research and Education Scholarship
Francisco Orozco
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Goldman Metalworking Scholarship
Naomi Ortega
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Damarita Ortiz
Damián De La Peña Memorial Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
San Buenaventura Women's Club Scholarship
Katie Oxford
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Miguel Padilla
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Valeria Paez
Arlene Goldberg Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Joyce Mason Evans & David A. Evans Phoenix Scholarship
Hemming Family Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
Leonardo Palma
Andy & Sarah Reynolds Scholarship
Juan Parra
Ellyn & Jim Dembowski Scholarship
Zuri Partido
Bob Gowder Family Scholarship
Maude A. Broughton Memorial Scholarship
Kayla Parzynski
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Cody Paul
Benjamin Tanner Memorial Scholarship
Tommy Anthony Paramedic Scholarship
Lenora Pell
Carole Anne Falco Scholarship
Allison Perez
Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Andrea Perez
Don L. Carlton Family Scholarship
Maritza Perez
Guadalupe Lopez Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Alphie Phoenix
Taylor Family Scholarship
Elora Prado
Barbara Meister Teaching Scholarship
Jet Puga
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Noah Charles Kriese Memorial Scholarship
Western States Petroleum Association Scholarship
Ellynore Ramirez
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Shannon Ramirez
Kenneth D. Helms Memorial Choral Scholarship
Micheline & Albert Sakharoff Music Scholarship
Ojai Family Podiatry Clinic, Dr. James Todd Beaty, DPM Scholarship
Patricia Sanchez Ehret Memorial Scholarship
David Ramos
David P. Bianco Family Scholarship
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Armando Razo
Carrasco Nungaray Family Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Pier Angela Fiumerodo Memorial Scholarship
Lily Reeve
Gordon and Dorothy King Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Stephanie Reyes
Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship
Raquel Rico
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Holistic Health Graduate Scholarship
Bryce Rigney
Elijah & Miya Tshing Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
Charlotte Rodriguez
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
VC East Campus Scholarship
Kimberly Rodriguez
Don and Sandy Greenberg Scholarship
James Doyle Memorial Scholarship
Florencio Rojas
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Telloria Roseman
American Legion Post 339 (Ventura) Scholarship
Annika Salant
Alfred Howe Davis Memorial Scholarship
Patzy Salazar
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Aidan Sanchez
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Jordan Sandoval
Eric William Borchard Memorial Scholarship
Kameko Sasaki
Lillian Dember Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Forrest Sauerwein
GMR Foundation for Research and Education Scholarship
Elizabeth Scully
Stanley Prescott Business Scholarship
Aven Sedano
Linda McSherry-Roos Environmental Studies Scholarship
Rohan Zen Scholarship
Robert Serros
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Niamatullah SA and A-Ishah MA Memorial Scholarship
VC Dreamers Scholarship
Thomas Servin
Hickerson Family Scholarship
Arzheen Shahin
Ventura College Foundation Achievement Scholarship
Sam & Mary Saputo Scholarship
Ania Shaw
Blalock Family Endowed Scholarship
Eleanor Tillquist Phoenix Scholarship
Ruth Hemming Foster Youth Scholarship
Tristan Shaw
Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship
Ashley Smith
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Charles Smith
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Lucia Tebbe Memorial Phoenix Scholarship
Jasmine Smith
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Sierra Soares
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Diego Solano
Classified Senate Scholarship
SEIU Local 99 Classified Senate Scholarship
Aracely Soriano-Perez
California Environmental Education Scholarship
McNeely Family Scholarship
Gabriel Soto
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Sam & Mary Saputo Scholarship
Timothy Spaulding
Bill and Elise Kearney Phoenix Scholarship
Gene Haas Scholarship
Harrison Stanley
Citizens Business Bank Scholarship
Delta Theta Tau Sorority - Zeta Epsilon Chapter Memorial Business Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Paulina Tapia
Aera Energy Annual Scholarship
Collin Family Scholarship
The Millard G. Reed ('59) Engineering Scholarship
Rhiana Thompson
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Keyvan Tinoco
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Jaemi Toledo
Gary Daniel Newcomb Memorial Scholarship
Luigi Travi
George & Eleanor Tillquist Scholarship
Guadalupe Lopez Nursing Scholarship
Nancy Steward Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Neko Tudhope
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ana Valeriano
Barbara R. Burton Memorial Scholarship
Carole Olsen-Bryan Memorial Scholarship
Lupton Child Development Textbook Scholarship
Christopher Vanover
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
Ventura Downtown Lions Club Fred W. Smith Annual Scholarship
Daniela Vargas
Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Ashley Vazquez
I-DA-KA Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Nellie Day Harris Scholarship
Tim Suel Memorial Scholarship
Maria Vega
SEEAG Career Pathways in Agriculture Scholarship
Jose Velasquez
Reach Scholars Scholarship
Leila Velasquez-Regino
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Ventura Downtown Lions Club - Fred W. Smith Osher Scholarship
Jordyn Villasenor
McNeely Family Scholarship
Noah Charles Kriese Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Toni Wangui
Cavola Family Scholarship
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship
San Buenaventura Women's Club Osher Scholarship
Danielle Washington
Betsy Slover Phoenix, RN, Memorial Scholarship
The Bauer Family Nursing Scholarship
Joshua White
Gene Haas Scholarship
Tamara Widmyer
Gordon Ross Medical Scholarship
Micheline Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
Tony & Ruth Garcia Scholarship
Lewis Yang
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Alexa Francine Adoremos
Susan M. Buchter Nursing Scholarship
Chrystelle Aguiar
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Eduardo Aguilera
Automotive Career Education Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Angela Aguirre
Jessica Prescott Nursing Scholarship
Maude A. Broughton Memorial Scholarship
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Ben Ahara
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Mea Ann Alanes
Wendy Dunn Memorial Scholarship of Ventura College
Hugo Alfaro
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
John and Cherie Brant Ventura Boys & Girls Club Scholarship
Taylor Allen
Anika M. Veres Nursing Scholarship
Comfort Keepers Home Care Certified Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Martin P. Knowlton Memorial Scholarship
Sandra Arguelles
Joyce Ogawa Yoshioka Memorial Scholarship
Megha Pandya Memorial Scholarship
Kai Armann
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship
Joel Arroyo
Assistance League of Ventura County Re-Entry Scholarship
Shavonne Asberry
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Sebastian Ayala
Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship
Celida Barios
Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill Nursing Scholarship
Micheline and Albert Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship
Nancy Steward Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Jonathan Barton
Micheline Sakharoff Phoenix Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Fatima Bazurto
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Rebecca Becerra
Westside Scholarship
Martin Bernabe
Exuberant English Major Scholarship
Jennifer Blevins
Helms Family Scholarship
Eliseo Bonilla
Hon. Colleen Toy White Memorial Annual Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Diego Briceno
Westlake Village Garden Club Scholarship
Michael Bui
Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship
David P. Bianco Family Scholarship
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Breanna Burke
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Solomon Bustos
American Association of University Women Ventura County Branch Bevans/Klein Scholarship
Amber Butcher
Elaine G. Tennen Endowed Nursing Scholarship
George & Eleanor Tillquist Scholarship
Janet and Mark L. Goldenson Nursing Scholarship
Linda Rose Memorial Scholarship
Robert Byrd
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Tehminey Calderon
Dr. Morris and Judith Leventhal Art Scholarship
Allan Campbell
Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship
Seiji Yoshioka and Mary Phillips Yoshioka Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Kathleen Capolupo
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
George Casarez
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Ventura College Academic Senate Scholarship
Justine Castillo
Drs. Rosalind Warner and Michael Hogan Foster Youth Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ruth Hemming Foster Youth Scholarship
Maria Belen Cervantes
Talle Stanton Scholarship
Daisy Cisneros
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Niamatullah SA and A-Ishah MA Memorial Scholarship
VC Dreamers Scholarship
Jay Clark
Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Andrew Claydon
Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship
Quinton Coleman
Martinez y Ewens Anasazi Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Refugio Contreras
Construction Technologies 3C-REN Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
Sebastian Cornejo
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Kylee Coronado
Paige-Bianco Textbook Scholarship
Raul Coronado
Ed and Sue Stile Scholarship
Scholarship Reader Merit Award
Riley Coyner
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Grey Dog Ranch Scholarship
Jessica Crowley
Bill and Elise Kearney Paramedic Scholarship
GMR Foundation for Research and Education Scholarship
Mayra Cruz
Professor Ismael "Mayo" De La Rocha Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Dalto
Kada Family Scholarship
Dylan De La Cruz
Kenneth D. Helms Memorial Organ Scholarship
Viento Y Mar Environmental Scholarship
Jose Delgado
Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Julissa Deluna
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
McNeely Family Annual Scholarship
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Rick Djouwe
Denise Baylor Scholarship
George R. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Denzell Rae Doria
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Dominic Doud
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Haley Driscoll
Theodora Art Scholarship
Adrian Duran
Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship
Quinn Company Diesel Student Scholarshipcipients
Jessica Duran
Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship
Kiara Eby
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Andres Escobedo
Associated Students of Ventura College Scholarship
Cheuvront Family Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Scholarship
Daniel Espinoza
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Adriana Esqueda
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
John and Glenda Hammer Education Scholarship
Gabriel Esqueda
Alexis Dember Scholarship
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Trystenn Esquivel
Benjamin Tanner Memorial Scholarship
Adilene Fernandez
Barbara R. Burton Memorial Scholarship
Edith H. French Scholarship
Allie Fielding
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Flores Esquibel
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Brianna Franco
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Gallegos
Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship
Alexander Garcia
Amy Cherot Foster Our Future Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholarship
Daniel Garcia
George and Jean Woolley Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Jose Garcia
George and Jean Woolley Memorial Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Lysandra Garcia
Gordon Ross Medical Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship
Maria Garcia
Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship
Martha Garcia
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Garcia
Jessica Prescott Art Scholarship
Marcos Garcia-Razo
Cavola Family Scholarship
McNeely Family Annual Scholarship
Mona Garo
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
Terence P. O'Neill Memorial Scholarship
Olivia Gaston
Pamela Oster Memorial Scholarship
Tristan Gaviola
Advocates for Social Justice Scholarship
Ventura College Math & Science Scholarship
Madelyn George
Gene Haas Scholarship
Merrick Giles
Bill Miller Memorial Scholarship
John Tallman Memorial Scholarship
Miriam and Henry Schwab Memorial Aquatics Scholarship
Larry Gleeson
Kada Family Scholarship
Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Belmaris Gomez
Employers Advisory Council Avelina Villalobos Annual Scholarship II
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Western Ventura County - Employer Advisory Council - Avelina Villalobos Scholarship
Benjamin Gomez
Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship
Emiliano Gomez
James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship
Ilya Gonzales
Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship
Thank you to our 2024-2025 Event Sponsors!
Our event sponsors support higher education and aim to support students in Ventura County as they pursue their dreams.
Horizon Level
Harbor Level
Questions on becoming an Event Sponsor?
Contact Gerry Pantoja, Director of Philanthropy
805.289.6158 | gpantoja@vcccd.edu