Two people standing on a sports field, smiling. One holds a certificate labeled 2024 Scholarship Recipient from Ventura College Foundation.


saturday, May 17, 2025 | 2 PM

Celebrate Student Success

The Foundation's goal is to provide impactful support to students so that they can focus more time on their studies and accomplish their academic pursuits.

We are excited to celebrate and honor the VC students' extraordinary achievements and thank the individuals and organizations who have made these scholarships possible.

Congratulations to our 2024-25 Scholarship Recipients!


Check-In: 1:00 pm | Scholarship Awards Program:  2:00 p.m.
Location:  Ventura College Sportsplex Field*, 4667 Telegraph Rd, Ventura, CA
*Please check the weather and plan to dress accordingly for this outdoor event

Recommended Complimentary Parking: West Lot



Scholarship Donors, Sponsors, and Guests: For event questions and information, please contact Stephanie Montenegro at or (805) 289-6122.

Scholarship Student Recipients: For event questions and information, please contact Araceli Aggarwal at or (805) 289-6141.


2024 Scholarship Award Photos

Two women standing next to each other at an event, both wearing name tags with designations. People and chairs are visible in the background.

2024 Scholarship Award Event photos courtesy of Trinity Wheeler Photography.

VIEW 2024 Scholarship Awards Photo Album

congratulations to the 2024 Scholarship Recipients

Alexa Francine Adoremos

Susan M. Buchter Nursing Scholarship


Chrystelle Aguiar

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship


Eduardo Aguilera

Automotive Career Education Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship


Angela Aguirre

Jessica Prescott Nursing Scholarship

Maude A. Broughton Memorial Scholarship

Talle Stanton Scholarship


Ben Ahara

Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship


Mea Ann Alanes

Wendy Dunn Memorial Scholarship of Ventura College


Hugo Alfaro

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship

John and Cherie Brant Ventura Boys & Girls Club Scholarship


Taylor Allen

Anika M. Veres Nursing Scholarship

Comfort Keepers Home Care Certified Nursing Assistant Scholarship

Martin P. Knowlton Memorial Scholarship


Sandra Arguelles

Joyce Ogawa Yoshioka Memorial Scholarship

Megha Pandya Memorial Scholarship


Kai Armann

Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Diesel Mechanics and Automotive Scholarship


Joel Arroyo

Assistance League of Ventura County Re-Entry Scholarship


Shavonne Asberry

Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship


Sebastian Ayala

Andy and Ellen Smith Nursing Assistant Scholarship


Celida Barios

Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill Nursing Scholarship

Micheline and Albert Sakharoff Nursing Scholarship

Nancy Steward Memorial Nursing Scholarship


Jonathan Barton

Micheline Sakharoff Phoenix Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship


Fatima Bazurto

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Rebecca Becerra

Westside Scholarship

Martin Bernabe

Exuberant English Major Scholarship


Jennifer Blevins

Helms Family Scholarship


Eliseo Bonilla

Hon. Colleen Toy White Memorial Annual Scholarship

Osher Foundation Scholarship


Diego Briceno

Westlake Village Garden Club Scholarship


Michael Bui

Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship

David P. Bianco Family Scholarship

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship


Breanna Burke

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship

Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship


Solomon Bustos

American Association of University Women Ventura County Branch Bevans/Klein Scholarship


Amber Butcher

Elaine G. Tennen Endowed Nursing Scholarship

George & Eleanor Tillquist Scholarship

Janet and Mark L. Goldenson Nursing Scholarship

Linda Rose Memorial Scholarship


Robert Byrd

Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship


Tehminey Calderon

Dr. Morris and Judith Leventhal Art Scholarship


Allan Campbell

Prison Hospital Action Committee Scholarship

Seiji Yoshioka and Mary Phillips Yoshioka Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship


Kathleen Capolupo

Osher Foundation Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship


George Casarez

Osher Foundation Scholarship

Ventura College Academic Senate Scholarship


Justine Castillo

Drs. Rosalind Warner and Michael Hogan Foster Youth Scholarship

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship

Ruth Hemming Foster Youth Scholarship


Maria Belen Cervantes

Talle Stanton Scholarship

Daisy Cisneros

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship

Niamatullah SA and A-Ishah MA Memorial Scholarship

VC Dreamers Scholarship


Jay Clark

Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship

Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship


Andrew Claydon

Denise Baylor Automotive & Diesel Mechanics Scholarship


Quinton Coleman

Martinez y Ewens Anasazi Scholarship

Osher Foundation Scholarship


Refugio Contreras

Construction Technologies 3C-REN Scholarship

Osher Foundation Scholarship

Taylor Family Scholarship


Sebastian Cornejo

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship


Kylee Coronado

Paige-Bianco Textbook Scholarship


Raul Coronado

Ed and Sue Stile Scholarship

Scholarship Reader Merit Award


Riley Coyner

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship

Grey Dog Ranch Scholarship


Jessica Crowley

Bill and Elise Kearney Paramedic Scholarship

GMR Foundation for Research and Education Scholarship


Mayra Cruz

Professor Ismael "Mayo" De La Rocha Memorial Scholarship


Ryan Dalto

Kada Family Scholarship


Dylan De La Cruz

Kenneth D. Helms Memorial Organ Scholarship

Viento Y Mar Environmental Scholarship


Jose Delgado

Associated Students of Ventura College Osher Scholarship

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship


Julissa Deluna

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship

McNeely Family Annual Scholarship

Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship

Rick Djouwe

Denise Baylor Scholarship

George R. Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Denzell Rae Doria

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship


Dominic Doud

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Haley Driscoll

Theodora Art Scholarship


Adrian Duran

Gibbs Truck Centers Diesel Student Scholarship

Quinn Company Diesel Student Scholarshipcipients


Jessica Duran

Stan Weisel Phoenix Scholarship


Kiara Eby

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Andres Escobedo

Associated Students of Ventura College Scholarship

Cheuvront Family Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Scholarship


Daniel Espinoza

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Adriana Esqueda

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship

John and Glenda Hammer Education Scholarship


Gabriel Esqueda

Alexis Dember Scholarship

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Trystenn Esquivel

Benjamin Tanner Memorial Scholarship


Adilene Fernandez

Barbara R. Burton Memorial Scholarship

Edith H. French Scholarship


Allie Fielding

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Jessica Flores Esquibel

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Brianna Franco

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Thomas Gallegos

Frank Nolan Memorial Scholarship


Alexander Garcia

Amy Cherot Foster Our Future Scholarship

Osher Foundation Scholarship


Daniel Garcia

George and Jean Woolley Memorial Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship

Jose Garcia

George and Jean Woolley Memorial Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship


Lysandra Garcia

Gordon Ross Medical Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Phoenix Scholarship


Maria Garcia

Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship


Martha Garcia

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Matthew Garcia

Jessica Prescott Art Scholarship


Marcos Garcia-Razo

Cavola Family Scholarship

McNeely Family Annual Scholarship


Mona Garo

Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship

Terence P. O'Neill Memorial Scholarship


Olivia Gaston

Pamela Oster Memorial Scholarship


Tristan Gaviola

Advocates for Social Justice Scholarship

Ventura College Math & Science Scholarship


Madelyn George

Gene Haas Scholarship


Merrick Giles

Bill Miller Memorial Scholarship

John Tallman Memorial Scholarship

Miriam and Henry Schwab Memorial Aquatics Scholarship


Larry Gleeson

Kada Family Scholarship

Ventura College Foundation Veterans Scholarship


Belmaris Gomez

Employers Advisory Council Avelina Villalobos Annual Scholarship II

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship

Western Ventura County - Employer Advisory Council - Avelina Villalobos Scholarship


Benjamin Gomez

Southern California Edison STEM Scholarship


Emiliano Gomez

James V. and Idah W. Iliff Memorial Scholarship


Ilya Gonzales

Bess Pinkstaff Scholarship

Thank you to our 2024-2025 Event Sponsors!

Our event sponsors support higher education and aim to support students in Ventura County as they pursue their dreams.

Horizon Level

Navigator Level

Harbor Level


Questions on becoming an Event Sponsor?
Contact Gerry Pantoja, Director of Philanthropy
805.289.6158 |