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Scholarship Review Committee
The Ventura College Foundation was initially established for the purpose of raising funds for student scholarships. While our focus has expanded over the years, we continue to support our students through our scholarship program.
Approximately 55% of Ventura College students each year are classified as extremely-low income to low-income students (e.g. students with a household income of $36,000 or less for a family of four). Scholarships are a great way to ease the financial burden many of our students carry as they peruse their education and/or career.
Program Impact
Quick Stats from 2024:
- 421 scholarships were awarded to 230 students
- $636,017 in scholarship support awarded
- An average of $2,417 was awarded to continuing students
- An average of $3,557 was awarded to students transferring to four-year universities
- At minimum, each student received a $1,000 scholarship
The Ventura College Foundation (VCF) Scholarship Review Committee is a team of community members, alumni, friends, family, and/or Ventura College employees who review all applications received for the VCF Scholarship Program.
- Committee members can review as few as four applications or up to 10! Anything and everything helps.
- Reviews are done on your own schedule. You just need a computer and internet connection to score applications.
- Applications are randomly assigned to each reviewer and each application is read by a total of three readers.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact, Araceli Gonzalez Aggarwal at aaggarwal@vcccd.edu or 805-289-6141.
Special Events Volunteers
Do you enjoy working as a team, interacting with the public and being a part of something inspiring? If you answered yes to any of these questions, than being a special event volunteer is the role for you!
We need volunteers to assist with:
- Pre-event tasks in the VC Foundation office (name tags, stuffing, folding, etc.)
- Setting up and tear down of events
- Day of event support during the VC Foundation’s events such as Special Donor Receptions and our Scholarship Award Ceremony and more!
Volunteer Requirements
- This is an “as needed” role and we will get in touch with you when there are volunteer opportunities.
- Day, evening and weekend volunteer opportunities available.
- Must be dependable.
- Completion of a Volunteer & Confidentiality Agreement.
- Must be at least 18 years old.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Stephanie Montenegro at smontenegro@vcccd.edu or 805-289-6122.
Mailing Team
The Ventura College Foundation (VCF) Mailing Team is a team of community members, alumni, donors, friends, students, and/or Ventura College employees who sort, stuff, seal and label invitations, postcards, and fundraising mailings.
Volunteer Requirements
- This is an “as needed” role and we will get in touch with you when there are project opportunities. We would like for you to commit to 3-5 mailing projects throughout the year, but understand it depends on the timing of mailing deadlines and your availability.
- All volunteer work will be done in the VC Foundation office.
- Day and evening volunteer opportunities available.
- Accuracy and attention to detail required.
- Completion of a Volunteer & Confidentiality Agreement.
- Must be at least 18 years old.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Julie Harvey at jharvey@vcccd.edu or 805-289-6502.