Your Gifts Impacted Lives in 2023-24!
We provided $738,558 in direct student support and have facilitated an additional $1.33 million in support of campus programs to 56 unique programs across 14 different departments/divisions during the 2023-24 academic year.
From the VC Promise, VC Basic Needs & student emergency grants, our textbook & equipment lending library to the hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships awarded, the Foundation was able to help Ventura College students with the education they need to be our community's next generation of workers, volunteers, and leaders.
Your Gifts in Action

Students Served
7,858 students were served by the VC Foundation's Programs in 2023-24

VC Promise
1,136 students had their 1st & 2nd Year Tuition Paid by the VC Foundation through the VC Promise in 2023-24

Basic Needs
$18,245 was provided for the VC Basic Needs & Emergency Grant Program in 2023-24

421 scholarships amounting to $636,016 in support were awarded to VC Students in 2023-24

Textbook & Equipment Lending Library
3,733 Ventura College students were served by the Foundation's Textbook & Equipment Lending Library Programs.
2023-2024 Donors
The Ventura College Foundation would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the hundreds of donors’ generous and unwavering contributions to the Ventura College Foundation during the 2023-24 academic year. Through the challenges and setbacks of the pandemic, the Foundation continued to drive change and impact lives. Your support continues to make a difference to the entire Ventura College community.
Established in memory of George McNeely, a distinguished leader and dedicated advocate of the Ventura College Foundation, the Legacy for the Future Society honors individuals who have made a lasting commitment to student success by including Ventura College in their estate plans.
Heizer Foundation
Martin Hansen Family Revocable Trust
Patrick Murray Trust
Robert Milton Estate Trust
Stanley J. Miller Estate
The Estate of Stephen Don Cummings
The William & Margaret Faith 1999 Family Trust
Jorge and Elsa Arman
Paula Bendinelli
Gail B. Bird †
Dr. Carl E. Boggs, Jr.
Vella Buchanan
Bessie and Paul Carter †
Barbara Caufield
Frank Cavola †
Amy T. Cherot
Edith Conn †
Ellyn Dembowski and Jim Dembowski
James R. Dunn †
Dr. Joyce Evans and David Evans †
Mike Ewens † and Lydia Martinez-Collins
Garold and Joyce Faber †
Jeffrey and Theresa Ferguson
Abra Flores and Ed Burnett
Sandra and Donald Greenberg
Jack Halbert
Don Hatala †
Linda Heizer Seaman
Dr. Ruth Hemming
Irene V. Henry J.D.
Dr. Kim D. Hoffmans and Mr. Charles A. Hoffmans
Ruth O. Johnson
Anne Paul King
Elizabeth and Dave Kraus
Aurora Loss †
John Lupton
Alan Mannason †
George McNeely †
Jennifer O'Toole
Gerald and Joan Olsen
Micheline Sakharoff †
Bill Scarpino
Dr. Kathleen Schrader
Miriam Schwab †
Isabel B. Shepard †
Talle Stanton †
Edward and Susan Stile
Virginia Stout and John Nelson
Marcia Sumliner †
Norbert Tan and Tracy Takahashi
Richard L. Taylor, Esq. and Kristin W. Taylor
Lester Tong and Mae Wan Tong
Mr. David W. Townsend and Dr. Sheila M. Pallas
Janet Vadiveloo and Mark L. Goldenson
Romain Van De Genachte †
Robert van Nieuwburg
Sanford Weiss †
Barbara Wise
Helen M. Yunker †
† Deceased
Chairperson’s Circle members have made an investment in the sustainable growth of Ventura College student support through a multi-year gift.
Deborah Bylo
Kenneth S. Collin
Abra Flores and Ed Burnett
Anne Paul King
Elizabeth and Dave Kraus
Edward Summers
Robert van Nieuwburg
President’s Circle members have made an investment in the mission of the Ventura College Foundation through an unrestricted annual gift of $1,000 or more.
Ventura County Credit Union
Shirley A. Anderson
Denise Baylor
Dr. Robert Beilin and Ms. Ester Agopian
Dr. Carl E. Boggs, Jr.
Catherine and Daniel Bojorquez
Kenneth S. Collin
Ellyn Dembowski and Jim Dembowski
Mark L. Dufresne
Abra Flores and Ed Burnett
Myron G. Harrison
Herb Hemming
Dr. Ruth Hemming
Anne Paul King
Elizabeth and Dave Kraus
Supervisor Matthew W. LaVere and Ms. Alicia LaVere
Barbara Meister
Dena M. Mercer
Ronald Mules
Dr. Jill Muraoka D.V.M.
James M. Newton
Millard G. Reed
Rene and Angela Rodriguez
Mary and Salvatore Saputo
Edward Summers
Eleanor Tillquist
Kim Van De Venter
Robert van Nieuwburg
Andrew and Rosanne Welcher
Cheryl and Monte Widders
Dr. John L. Woolley and Mrs. Sharon Watts Woolley
Harald and Birgit Wulff
Peter Zierhut
Give Every Month (G.E.M) Society members have made an investment in the mission of the Ventura College Foundation with a monthly recurring donation or payroll deduction.
Andrea Adlman
Kamelia Algiers
Lisa Anderson
Gabriel and Jaymie Arquilevich
Michelle Beard
Jack Bennett
Sharon J. Beynon and Alexander G. Kolesnik
Scott J. Brewer
Janine P. Bundy
Sabrina Canola-Sanchez and Tomas D. Sanchez
Rhonda Carlson
Kristin K. Clark and Destry D. Weaver
Marcelino De Cierdo
Adriana and Peter De Haan
Ms. Felicia Dueñas and Dr. Oscar Cobian
Catherine Faulkner
Dr. Maria Fiumerodo, Ph.D.
Sara Frazier
Christopher Frederick
Prof. Jennifer Garcia and Mr. Tino Garcia
Angelica Gonzales
Robin and Fabiana Hester
Andrea and N. Horigan
Dr. and Mrs. Ara Khanjian
Henny H. Kim-Ortel
Alexander G. Kolesnik and Sharon J. Beynon
KaiFeng Liang
Cheryl Manley-Orm
Vincent Martin
Eric Martinsen
Mary McDonough-Giles
Michelle Millea and Graham N. Dawson
Ned and Kim Mircetic
Matthew Moore
Steven and Jill Mooshagian
Guadalupe Moriel-Guillen and Anthony Guillen
Susana Mottu
Catherine A. Mundy
Deborah and Leonard Newcomb
Sharon E. Oxford
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Palladino
Ryan L. Petitfils
Alma and Tomas Rodriguez
James Selzler
Peter H. Sezzi
Dr. Saliha Sha Ed.D.
Stacy Sloan Graham
Berta and Allan Steele
Rosalva and Donald Stutts
Yia Vang
Brent Wilson
Lauren Wintermeyer Ramirez
Peter Yi
Beatriz Zizumbo
Maria de la luz Flores
Arthur N. Rupe Foundation
Edison International
Gibbs Truck Centers
Ventura County Community Foundation's Animal Welfare Fund
Deborah Chandler and Arn Schaeffer
Kenneth S. Collin
Abra Flores and Ed Burnett
Dr. Kim D. Hoffmans and Mr. Charles A. Hoffmans
William and Elise Kearney
Anne Paul King
Elizabeth and Dave Kraus
Miriam Schwab *
Edward Summers
Richard L. Taylor, Esq. and Kristin W. Taylor
Eleanor Tillquist
Lester Tong and Mae Wan Tong
Robert van Nieuwburg
Ronald Clinton Wise
American Legion Post 339
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Bank of the Sierra
Foundation for California Community Colleges
GMR Foundation for Research and Education
Gene Haas Foundation
Julius Gius Memorial Rotary Foundation
US Bank
Denise Baylor
Mollie Benton
Supervisor Matthew W. LaVere and Ms. Alicia LaVere
Linda and Henning Ottsen
American Medical Response
Audacious Foundation
County of Ventura
Daniel Franzese Entertainment
Montecito Bank & Trust
The Foundation of Ventura County Credit Union
Tri-County Regional Energy Network
Ventura County Community College District
Janet and Charles Curtis
Dr. Ruth Hemming
Dr. Jill Muraoka D.V.M.
Ellen and Andy Smith
Assistance League of Ventura County
Gordon Ross Medical Foundation
League of Women Voters of Ventura County
Pacific Coast Business Times
Searle Creative Group, LLC
The Sence Foundation
Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc.
John Billig
Arthur C. Bliss, Jr.
Boomer Butler
Mark L. Dufresne
Nelson Emery and Tara McLean-Emery
Lynne Kada and Tom Kaufman
Lydia Matthews-Morales
Jeffrey S. Miller and Margie Borjon-Miller
Karen Riffel *
Mary and Salvatore Saputo
Dr. Saliha Sha Ed.D.
David L. Shearer
Stan and Alice Slaton
Mrs. Sharon Watts Woolley and Dr. John L. Woolley
Cheryl and Monte Widders
Andria's Seafood Specialties
Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices California Properties via the Charitable Foundation
Citizens Business Bank
Fred W. Smith Scholarship Foundation
Friends of Golf, Inc.
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
Mechanics Bank
Miracle Mile Advisors
Mission Produce
Ojai Valley Directory
Quinn Company
RRM Design Group
Rotary Club of Ventura South
Students for Eco-Education & Agriculture (SEEAG)
Sundance Berry Farms, LLC
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Trinity Wheeler Photography
Ventura College
Ventura County Credit Union
Ventura County Writers’ Club
Ventura Downtown Lions Club Charitable Foundation
Ventura Education Partnership
Ventura Music Festival
Westlake Village Garden Club
X-Treme Global Inc.
Michael Acero
Shirley A. Anderson
Thomas and Mary Anthony
Lisa Baier
Jeannette and David Bauer
Dr. Robert Beilin and Ms. Ester Agopian
Joseph S. Biderman
Dr. Carl E. Boggs, Jr.
Catherine and Daniel Bojorquez
Brian and Doretta Burgess
Michael J. Callahan
Amy T. Cherot
Robert and Carol Cole
Alvina Contarino
Ms. Felicia Dueñas and Dr. Oscar Cobian
James R. Dunn *
Mark Fasheh
David and Kim Fuhrmann
Diana and Michael Gleason
Mark L. Goldenson and Janet Vadiveloo
Angelica Gonzales
Donald and Sandra Greenberg
Myron G. Harrison
Kathryn and Tim Helms
Herb Hemming
Dr. Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz and Dr. Jack Goetz
Geri LeVine Loe
Sophia Manson, R.N.
Vincent Martin
Lydia Martinez-Collins
Barbara Meister
Dena M. Mercer
Vaughan and Nick Meyer
Judy Moore
Terese Mosher-Beluris
Ronald Mules
Deborah and Leonard Newcomb
James M. Newton
Gerald and Joan Olsen
Hector Orozco
Dhruv Pandya
Millard G. Reed
Sarah and Andrew Reynolds
Rene and Angela Rodriguez
Karen D. Sedlacek
Peter H. Sezzi
Anika M. Veres
Todd and Julie Wagner
Dr. Rosalind C. Warner-Hogan and Dr. Michael Hogan
Rosanne and Andrew Welcher
Brent Wilson
Darrel and Beth Wilson
Harald and Birgit Wulff
Anne and Harold Zane
Peter Zierhut
7-Eleven, Inc.
Apollo Enterprises
Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Luners Production Services
Suel and Associates
Ventura Downtown Lions Club
Margot Aldcroft
Kamelia Algiers
Sandra L. Arellano
Ebby Bakhtiar
Karen and Chris Birbeck
Faye Campbell
James Collins
Karen M. De La Peña
Ellyn Dembowski and Jim Dembowski
Janet A. Dobson Leifur
Jeffrey and Theresa Ferguson
Nancy Ferguson
Dr. Maria Fiumerodo, Ph.D.
Barbara and Richard Harison
James Harney
Lydia Hopps
Ruth O. Johnson
Joy Kobayashi
Laura A. Kriese and Kathryn Stephenson
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Longwill, D.D.S.
Vincent and Sally Mujica
Carol M. Nakashima
Mr. and Mrs. Tafford Oltz
Sharon E. Oxford
Russell Riemer
Alma and Tomas Rodriguez
Chuck and Susan Samonsky
David Schuepbach
Signe Smale
Richard Steingard
Dr. George N. Suel, Jr.
Steve and Roxann Tobias
Rod Tuazon
Roy L. Valdez
Kim Van De Venter
Joanne Wallis
Carolyn E. Wood
Hiroko Yoshimoto
43rd Church of Christ, Scientist
Richard Rojo O.D.
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
The Swim Guy
Sharon Allegra
Gary J. Amar
Lisa Anderson
Miriam Arichea
Jack Bennett
Edson Burns Taft
Michael and Joanne Caldwell
Sabrina Canola-Sanchez and Tomas D. Sanchez
Cheryl and Todd Collart
Tom Coulter
David Cristofar
Marcelino De Cierdo
Adriana and Peter De Haan
Raquel De Los Santos
Heidi Donovan
Jon N. Everhart and Stacy Patterson
Catherine Faulkner
James P. Finch
David and Faith Friedlander
Dr. Joel Goldenberg, D.D.S.
Carol Goldreyer and Matthew M. Maxel
Irene V. Henry J.D.
Robin and Fabiana Hester
Peter and Susan Hockenmaier
Andrea and N. Horigan
Rebecca and Leonard Hull
Ralph James
Grant Jones
George Leis
Steven J. Marquez
Eric Martinsen
Loretta and Mike Merewether
Jay and Jean Midgley
Ned and Kim Mircetic
Matthew Moore
Marc Mooshagian
Steven and Jill Mooshagian
Erica Mullins
Dr. Henry A. Oster
Fletcher and Anna Pavin
Patricia and Bruce Perrine
Eric W. Pham
Russell Richardson
James Rivera and David Luna
Alan and Sally Shampine
Allan and Berta Steele
Luann R. Swanberg
Mrs. Elaine Tennen and Dr. Edward Tennen
Donald Tillquist
Karen and David Tillquist
James and Karly Walker
Dan Weidman
Holly and Bob Winston
Linda and Justin Wright
Maria de la luz Flores
AbbVie Inc.
Blue Shield Foundation of California
DPE Consulting
Pierpont Racquet Club
Rotary Club of Ventura
T. E. Hoctor & Company
Jill and Donald Adams
John Amberg
Sarah M. Angell
Gabriel Aragon
Gabriel and Jaymie Arquilevich
Gabriella Asamsama-Acuna
Eleanor E. Austin
Andrew Banas
Michelle Beard
Robert and Dianne Bernstein
Sharon J. Beynon and Alexander G. Kolesnik
Bartley and Michelle Bleuel
Eric and Patricia Bolland
Andrea Bornschlegel
Scott J. Brewer
Ms. Susan E. Bricker and Dr. Chadwick Ishikawa
Diana Brister and Paul Harber
Kathleen and Robert Brooks
Nenagh Brown
Janine P. Bundy
Randy Butler
Suzanne Chadwick
Dawn Chase
Robert and Paulina Chianese
Mr. Joseph Chrisman and Dr. Valerie Chrisman
Kristin K. Clark and Destry D. Weaver
Colleen M. Coffey and Jason M. Bays
Shay Collier
Kelly Connell
Alexa Constantine
Derek and Peggy Cosner
John S. Cotsis
Dean and Linda Courter
William A. Cowen
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Culton
Chris Del Rosario
John and Susan Dennis
Steven and Leanna Dobson
Terryll Dougherty, Jr.
Carl Douglas
Jean and Lance Eaton
William Edwards
Kathryn Fink
Sue Fischer
Prof. Jennifer Garcia and Mr. Tino Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Garrett
Kay L. Giles and Michael E. Mariani
Dan Gold
William and Stacy Graham
Steven Hanson
Susan Harbold
Nancy Harrison
Julie A. Harvey
Linda J. Hitt
Lisa Hofer
Kumiko and William Irion
Dr. Chadwick Ishikawa and Ms. Susan E. Bricker
Maureen K. Jacobs
Stefanie Y. Kawasaki
Dr. and Mrs. Ara Khanjian
Edward and Andrea Kish
Alexander G. Kolesnik and Sharon J. Beynon
Hung Lam
Roy Lee
KaiFeng Liang
Olivia and John Long
Rosa Lord
Wayne Lord
Gilbert and Barbara Lovio
Darryl and Miriam Mack
Jeff and Gretchen Mannisto
Sara Marcellino
Joann and Lee Martin
Kimberly McAtee
Joanne McDonald
Dianne and Duncan McKay
John McMahan
Charles E. McQuillan
Marcie McTigue
Shayne and Laura Mihalka
Howard Miller
Michael Miller
Mieke J. Miller
Ramon Montes
Jennie Montgomery
Guadalupe Moriel-Guillen and Anthony Guillen
Jeffrey Morof
Catherine A. Mundy
Harold Nachenberg and Nan Waltman
Erik Nasarenko
Karen Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Newkirk
Karen Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Palladino
Heather Parks
Kathleen M. Paulson and Jeffery C. Heath
Peter and Rebecca Percy
David Peterson
Bruce Pollock
Andrew Prokopow
Patricia Raguse
Joey Ramirez
C. Robert Reeves
Margery A. Ricards
Marlayn Riley
Oscar Rivera
Fred Romero
Sue Root and Bob Root
Carol M. Ross
Ric and Penny Ruffinelli
Ali Sadreameli
Nancy Salzer
Kenneth P. Schoenfeld
Jean Paul and Ryyn Schumacher
Libby Scott
James Selzler
David and Barb Singer
Janine Sodersten
Dr. and Mrs. Siegfried O. Storz
Anson and Anne Thacher
Jessica Thomason
Peter Tshing
John Vandevelde
James Vega
Eric and Shonda Vielbig
Bruce Walker
Nan Waltman and Harold Nachenberg
Dr. Lee Wan
Timothy and Debra Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weckworth
Spencer M. Westbrook
Lauren Wintermeyer Ramirez
Jenchi Wu
Lynne Yamamoto
James Zavas
Beatriz Zizumbo
Community College League of California
Olive Garden
San Buenaventura Women's Club
The Walt Disney Company
Tarik Abdul-Wahid
Jason C. Acacio
Andrea Adlman
Adrienne Arguijo
Jorge and Elsa Arman
Erin and David Askar
Jennifer Bamieh
Cole Baratte
Shayle Barrus
Dr. Sue Bauer and Mr. Bernie Bauer
Erica Biedebach
Juli A. Blasingame and Scott J. Volan
Pattie Braga
John and Kathleen Bryson
Kathryn A. Bury
Lois Calatrello
Jenny Campbell
Rhonda Carlson
Debi Catron
Tony Cohen
Susan Colla
Marilyn Corbin
Shelley Cornish
Danica Cugnoni
Ivor Davis
Norrene DiBenedetto
Nathan M. Donnelly
Gregory Dunn
Susana Espinosa
Janet and Donald Feith
Deborah Fitzgibbons
Gregory and Lori Frank
Sara Frazier
Christopher Frederick
Robert and Nancy Fredrickson
Mrs. Linda L. French
Kaelan Galaska
Jenna Garcia
Marla S. Gay
Rico Guerrero
Jennifer Hammond
Tyler and Melony Hickok
Ann E. Huston
Julia Inouye
Karen Jimenez
Gary and Paulette Johnson
Jennifer Jones
Joanne and Morley Kaplan
Dr. Joyce Kennedy, Ph.D.
Henny H. Kim-Ortel
Blake Kreutz
Sean J. Lawheed
Tatiana M. Lawler
Cheryl Manley-Orm
Mary McDonough-Giles
William Megowan
Shane Meserve
Michelle Millea and Graham N. Dawson
Lacy Moes
Christian Montecino
Susana Mottu
Andrew Nelson
Ann Nelson
Ryan L. Petitfils
Randy Sue Pollock
Laura Powers
Derick Pugh
Brian Railey
Shaune and Greg Ramirez
Matilde Ramos
Shannon Riley-Coyner
Gabriela Rodriguez
Ferne Ross
Joy L. Roy
Matthew N. Sinclair
D. Zane Smith and M. Ann Newman-Smith
Jennifer L. Smith
Katelyn Smith
Jessica Sommers
Vanessa Stotler
Rosalva and Donald Stutts
Melvin Swan
David Tovar
Cecilia Travi
Conrad Van Hyning
Yia Vang
Cortney Veenker
Ed Wehan
Patrick D. Williams
Jada Yarnall
Peter Yi
David and Adina Zbriger
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please contact the VC Foundation at 805.289.6461 to correct our records if we made an error. This list only includes donations made from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.