
Meeting Schedule & Special Events

Marketplace Closed

Ventura College East Parking Lot 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA, United States

Marketplace closed

Marketplace Closed

Ventura College East Parking Lot 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA, United States

Marketplace closed

Marketplace Closed

Ventura College East Parking Lot 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA, United States

Marketplace closed

Marketplace Closed

Ventura College East Parking Lot 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA, United States

Marketplace closed

Virtual Scholarship Application Workshop

Zoom Meeting

Our scholarship application is NOW OPEN! All currently enrolled Ventura College Pirates are encouraged to apply. Attendees of our Virtual Scholarship Application…

Virtual Scholarship Application Workshop

Zoom Meeting

Our scholarship application is NOW OPEN! All currently enrolled Ventura College Pirates are encouraged to apply. Attendees of our Virtual Scholarship Application…