
Meeting Schedule & Special Events

Basic Needs Food Pantry

Ventura College 4500 Loma Vista Rd, Ventura, CA 93003, Ventura, CA, United States

Basic Needs Office

Ohana Vet Tech Lab Grand Opening

Ventura College East Campus 957 Faulkner Road, Santa Paula, CA, United States

Ventura College East Campus Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce Mixer

Basic Needs Food Pantry

Ventura College 4500 Loma Vista Rd, Ventura, CA 93003, Ventura, CA, United States

Basic Needs Office

2023 Diversity in Culture Festival

Do not miss the Diversity in Culture Festival at Ventura College on April 13-14. Enjoy various unique events, presentations, displays,…

Pride Prom

Ventura College 4500 Loma Vista Rd, Ventura, CA 93003, Ventura, CA, United States

ASCV & Pride Pirates