Campus Donations Processing Policy
All gifts, donations, gifts-in-kind, sponsorships, bequests, private endowments, and private grants to Ventura College are to be processed by the Ventura College Foundation.
Steps to follow:
1) Ask donors to make gifts online at or make checks payable to the “VC Foundation” and mail to:
Ventura College Foundation
4667 Telegraph Road
Ventura, CA 93003
2) Ask the donors to include the name of approved or established program, or event in the note or memo section. Gifts to the VC Foundation are fully tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Federal Tax I.D. # 77-0037747.
3) If you are accepting the gift, complete a Ventura College / VC Foundation Donation Acceptance Form below. NOTE, all gifts-in-kind need advanced approval by your dean, VP of Business Services and, possibly, the Board of Trustees before accepting the gift.
4) Forward all donations from donors to the VC Foundation within 24-48 hours of receipt so that donors receive a thank you letter and IRS tax compliant receipt right away. The Foundation is here to help and take care of this important step for Ventura College.
FOR Questions:
Please contact Julie Harvey, VC Foundation Development Manager, ext. 6502 or, with questions about:
- general donations
- credit cards
- employee payroll deductions
- gifts-in-kind
- fundraisers
- sponsorships
- text-to-give or crowdfunding donations, OR
Please contact Gerry Pantoja, VC Director of Major and Planned Giving, ext. 6158 or, with questions about:
- endowments
- bequests
- private grants
The Ventura College Foundation will review all flyers and solicitation appeals 8 weeks in advance of the event or the solicitation being made.
One Step to follow:
1) Fill out the Ventura College / VC Foundation Fundraising Activity Approval Form. The VC Foundation Team will get back to you ASAP. Any exceptions to this policy will be approved by an appropriate vice president in consultation with the Ventura College Executive team.
FOR Questions:
Please contact Julie Harvey, VC Foundation Development Manager, ext. 6502 or, with questions about:
- general donations
- credit cards
- employee payroll deductions
- gifts-in-kind
- fundraisers
- sponsorships
- text-to-give or crowdfunding donations