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¡Mezcla! Mezclador de cámara de Santa Paula

agosto 14, 2019 @ 5:30 pm - 19:00 horas

The Ventura College Foundation invites all of our donors, alumni, friends & interested community members to the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce Mixer hosted by the Campus Este de Ventura College (957 Faulkner Road, 106, Santa Paula) on August 14, 2019, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

The $5 admission includes snacks and other refreshments as well as the opportunity to win door prizes.

The Mixer is open to the public; business owners and operators are encouraged to highlight their enterprises by bringing a door prize.

For more information, please call the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce 805-525-5561.


agosto 14, 2019
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Categoría del Evento:


Campus Este de Ventura College
Calle Faulkner 957
Santa Paula, California 93060 Estados Unidos
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