La Fundación Ventura College está formada por una junta voluntaria de líderes comunitarios que actúan como Junta Directiva y cientos de seguidores, todos ellos dedicados a mejorar y sostener la experiencia educativa en Ventura College.

Miembros de la Junta Directiva del VCF 2024-2025

Nicole Kreutz

Presidente de la junta directiva

Rob VanNieuwburg
Rob Van Nieuwburg


A person in a suit smiling outdoors with a blurred leafy background.
Dustin Tondreau


Abra Flores
Abra Flores


A woman with curly hair and glasses is wearing a white-patterned shirt and orange blazer, standing outdoors with greenery in the background.
Dra. Claudia Lourido-Habib

Presidente del Colegio Ventura

Adrienne Arguijo, MA
Ken Collins
Kenneth Collin
Smiling person with long black hair and braces, wearing a tan turtleneck, standing outdoors with a blurred leafy background.

Presidente de la ASVC de Ventura College

Anne Paul King
A person in a gray suit and white shirt smiles at the camera, standing in front of green foliage.
Abogado Matt Lavere.
A person with braided hair and a headband smiles, wearing a colorful necklace and an orange top.
Lydia Matthews-Morales
Harald Wulff
Harald Wulff
A man wearing a suit and orange tie smiles outdoors with green foliage in the background.
James Zavas

Junta Emérita:

David Bianco†

Ellyn Dembowski

Doctora en Educación Ruth Hemming

David Pugh†

Donna Santo, ESQ.

Abogado Richard Taylor.

Lucía Tebbe†

George Tillquist†

Honorable Colleen Toy White†

Doctor en Educación John Woolley

Helen Yunker†

† Fallecido